Today, anyone can have a blog with very little effort, and a WordPress blog is a great marketing tool for your business website; however, having a successful blog takes significantly more work.

One key to creating a blog with a loyal following is to consistently offer your readers fresh and valuable content. Coming up with blog posts consistently can be a challenge. The following are five ways you can ensure you post to your blog consistently:

Deliberately schedule your writing time. If you want to post to your blog consistently, then schedule the time to create posts. You have to be committed to your blog, in order for it to be a success. This means dedicating time to posts. Select a schedule that works best for you, whether that means posting content daily, two or three times per week or weekly and schedule your post creation time accordingly.

2. Guest bloggers can be a blessing. Having guest bloggers is another great way to ensure you post to your blog consistently. If there are other related blogs you follow, ask their authors to write a post, or even a series of posts, for your blog. This can be a win-win situation in which you receive quality blog content and the guest blogger receives a promotional opportunity for his or her blog.

3. Reposting other people’s posts. Similar to guest blog posts, reposting other people’s posts is another fairly easy way to ensure you deliver relevant content to your audience consistently. Be sure to get the full permission of the blog owner before reposting. Also, be sure to give full credit to the author and the blog. This is one of the easiest ways to always have content for your blog; however, your readers may have already read this material on the other blog. Therefore, this strategy should be used sparingly.

4. Find inspiration everywhere. One of the best ways to ensure you post to your blog consistently is to find inspiration everywhere. Use images, videos, news articles, cartoons and even Facebook status updates as inspiration for your blog posts. Save these in a folder for days you face writer’s block. You’ll soon find you’re never lacking for a post topic, which makes ensuring you post consistently that much easier.

5. Hire a blogger. When all else fails, hire a professional blogger. There are numerous resources available for finding a freelance writer who will consistently fill your blog with posts. Freelancing job websites can help you connect with bloggers to create content for you at a reasonable cost.