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Australian WordPress Support

wordpress security services

WordPress is an amazing platform to run a business website. However if you don’t take active steps to protect your website from attacks it can be hacked and used against you and your customers, causing a huge loss for your business. In fact according to WPScan there are over 10,000 known WordPress vulnerabilities and according to popular security plugin Wordfence over 90,000 website attacks happen per minute.

The Google Blacklist

Google blacklists around 20,000 websites per week for having malware on them, do you want to risk becoming one of those websites? As soon as Google detects your website getting hacked you can be blacklisted. Getting blacklisted has huge consequences for your website SEO ranking and it can take months to recover the ranking loss just to get back to the position you were in before.

But its not all bad news!

It has never been easier to lock down your website right now. This means someone to come and really properly understand where the security issues are happening on your website and then fix those issues properly.

Our WordPress experts have completed hundreds of successful WordPress security audits and lock-downs, we work out the core issues and fix them properly within record time, plus we do it the correct WordPress way. Hiring WP Copilot’s expert WordPress Developers ensures it’s done efficiently and done right. Here’s the key steps for a WordPress Security Lock Down:

  • Audit your website security for vulnerabilities
  • Setup a 24/7 security firewall and notification system
  • Remove and reduce common WordPress core attack vectors
  • Lock down common brute force attack vectors
  • Review your plugins for common vulnerabilities
  • Install a security filter (as needed)
  • Setup comment spam filtering
  • Check your website doesn’t appear on blacklists
  • Setup a scheduled malware scanner

Due to the impact of a vulnerable website, Can you afford not to take action? Get your website locked-down so you can rest easy and continue taking the world by storm with your WordPress website.

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