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Australian WordPress Support

There are many ways our Australian WordPress developers can help you get the most from your website. Below are examples of common WordPress support requests completed by our team.

  • Tasks marked with a tick are typically completed within 30 minutes
  • Tasks marked with a clock need one hour or more to be completed

When you open a support ticket, we get to work! If additional support time or information is needed to complete the task a WordPress developer will advise you.

Australian WordPress Developers

WordPress Errors

Our WordPress developers are quickly on hand when the unexpected happens.

WordPress Themes & Plugins

Want new functionality or styling changes your website? Our WordPress Developers can help with themes & plugins.

  • Install and activate one WordPress theme
  • Create and activate a child theme
  • Modify theme menu items
  • Modify a theme CSS entry
  • Install and activate one WordPress plugin
  • Customise a theme

Hosting & Database Management

WP Copilot’s experienced Australian WordPress developers help with a number of tasks via your hosting control panel. If an issue requires support from your hosting company we can you ask the right questions.

  • Modify the WordPress config file
  • Change and test the PHP version via CPanel
  • Change memory limits via php.ini
  • Change nameserver & DNS records
  • Transfer database and files to a new hosting account (CPanel to CPanel)
  • Create a new email address
  • Connect an email address to a Gmail account
  • Import or export WordPress database
  • Backup a database via CPanel
  • Optimize a WordPress database

WordPress SEO & Conversion

Websites are there to make money and generate leads. Our WordPress developers implement the tasks you need to improve conversion rates and tracking whether your goal is subscribers or ecommerce sales.

  • Confirm pages are indexed in Google
  • Create a HTML Sitemap page
  • Create a XML sitemap and submit to Google Search Console
  • Setup Google Analytics tracking in WordPress
  • Setup a form conversion goal
  • Add Facebook tracking pixels to WordPress
  • Add Google Adsense to WordPress
  • Add email marketing subscriber forms
  • Create custom lead generation forms
  • Test a website form or checkout
  • Setup 5 WordPress URL redirects
  • Setup WordPress caching for speed
  • Setup an SSL certificate (HTTPS)

WordPress Security & Updates

It’s critical that your website security is considered to protect your data and users. Call on our WordPress developers to help secure your website, from keeping things up to date to backups and security hardening.

  • Take a backup of your website
  • Restore a backup of your website
  • Setup a backup plugin
  • Setup a WordPress security plugin
  • Scan a website for malware
  • Update user access and passwords
  • Clean a hacked website
  • Limit Failed login attempts
  • Update all installed themes via the WordPress Dashboard
  • Manually update one theme (requiring upload)
  • Update and test installed plugins via the WordPress Dashboard
  • Manually update one plugin (requiring upload)
  • Update WordPress to a new version

WordPress Website Audits

Is your website slow or bloated? Is it not generating the leads you expect? Time for a spring clean? Expert WordPress developers can audit your website to find the hidden issues costing you sales!

WordPress Admin Tasks

Get back to doing what you love and let our WordPress developers take care of admin tasks from uploading content to optimising images.

  • Setup a plugin to bulk optimise file sizes
  • Manually optimise file size and dimensions of 5 images
  • Upload 10 images to a gallery or slider
  • Create and upload a Favicon image
  • Create a new page
  • Duplicate a page
  • Add or update page content

Other WordPress Developer Tasks

There are so many ways we can help with WordPress, so here’s just a few more:)

  • Install a comment system
  • Install a comment spam prevention plugin
  • Disable comments for the entire site
  • Remove all pending comments
  • Reset a lost WordPress password

Ready to get the help you need from the best WordPress developers in Australia? All you need is a WP Copilot membership for access to the team.


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