xmas2013If you’re like most business owners this time of year, lacking sleep busily getting all your client work done and orders filled before Christmas will sound familiar. The festive season comes as a welcome break to recharge, and some time to work “on” rather than “in” your business.

This usually involves improving processes and tuning your marketing to grow your business in the new year. Your website is central to both of these important tasks.

Do you have the resources and skills to efficiently turn your website into a bigger better sales machine? The last thing you want is to get to the end of the break only to find your checklist lacking big green ticks after WordPress issues took most of your time.

Having a team of WordPress experts on hand to help with questions and unexpected WordPress issues would be great, it would save you even more time if they could:

  • Provide training material like tutorial videos and ebooks
  • Perform security monitoring to protect your and your visitors
  • Regularly update WordPress, plugins and themes
  • Schedule backups and customise your website
  • Well, here’s the good news. We are that team!

Give your website the Christmas present it deserves. Get 20% off premium membership using the promo code #XMAS2013.

This offer ends December 23rd, so don’t miss out, purchase up to 12 months of premium membership at 20% off, or check out our membership features now.